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Nexus Utility Token

Introduction to the Nexus Utility Token

Within the MaxxChain Ecosystem, the Nexus Utility token play a crucial role in driving the growth of MaxxChain and providing incentives to token holders. Previously known as the $MAXX Utility tokens, Nexus is a redeployment of the combination of what was once three separate tokens on three distinct chains indicating a fresh start with its own identity on MaxxChain.

Power Utilities

Nexus token holders not only have the ability to lock their tokens for PWR rewards but will also eventually enjoy the added benefit of locking their Nexus tokens for rewards in up to two other projects listed on MaxxChain through its unique triple-token reward platform. The objective of this distinctive platform is to empower Nexus holders by allowing them to gain insights and acquire holdings in various projects featured on the chain. This not only serves as a promotional instrument for other on-chain projects but also bolsters the entire chain's visibility.

To further enhance volume and incentivize users, the team has deployed Lotto Maxx, a lottery platform funded by a small portion of token taxes, individual ticket sales and surprise bonus deposits from the MaxxChain team. Lotto Maxx not only offers an exciting opportunity for participants but also ensures consistent volume and market stability. Ongoing development of the platform will introduce additional features, expanding the range of lottery-based utilities available to a broader user base.

The upcoming IgniteQR referral rewards dashboard will showcase the true power of word-of-mouth engagement. This utility rewards individuals for each new user they bring into the partnered project. The IgniteQR rewards dashboard will be available to any project across several different blockchains, serving as a valuable tool for growth and engagement. Nexus token will be among the first to participate in the IgniteQR platform, with 100 million tokens available as rewards for its users. This initiative is expected to boost volume and promote Nexus token to crypto users across this space.

Deflationary Mechanisms

Nexus token utilities also incorporate deflationary mechanisms to increase scarcity and value of all Nexus tokens and PWR coins. Drip rewards incur a 10% fee upon claiming, which is then split into two halves. One half is used to purchase and burn Nexus token, while the other half, received in PWR coin, is burned. Ticket sales from the Lotto Maxx utility contribute to the purchase of Nexus tokens that is used for the weekly prize pool, driving up their value along with drip rewards through tax accumulation. Additionally, 10% of the accumulated amounts in the weekly prize pools are used to burn Nexus token. These value structures aim to incentivize long-term token holding and drip rewards while ensuring liquidity and stability within the ecosystem.

Long Term Growth

With the rebrand from the previously known trio of $MAXX tokens, Nexus token aspires to become a critical component of the MaxxChain ecosystem, providing unique reward opportunities, a captivating lottery platform, and growth potential through the IgniteQR rewards dashboard. These utilities collectively benefit the entire chain, extending beyond the project alone. As the chain continues to grow, the team will remain dedicated to further developing and expanding the Nexus utility token with additional volume-driving utilities, ensuring its position as a premier project on MaxxChain.

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