Freight Factoring with MaxxChain

How MaxxChain MXC aims to revolutionize the freight factoring space with blockchain technology

The Evolution of MaxxChain

In recent years, the cryptocurrency market has been expanding, introducing users to a variety of new blockchains each trying to build a foundation in this space. In order to garner attention, it is crucial for any new blockchain to establish a need within the industry. Some blockchains gain traction by leveraging current trends, leading to notable but often inconsistent volume changes. However, few have achieved steady growth, largely due to a lack of a defining theme or practical use case to maintain user interest. Currently, Ethereum and Binance Smart Chains are the leading platforms in the crypto space. Despite certain concerns, they continue to be the go-to chains for users seeking reliability.

Strategic Shift: Leveraging Logistics Expertise

Initially, the goal for MaxxChain was to differentiate themselves by dedicating resources to benefit their users and developers in the short term while pushing focus towards its endeavors within the logistics space to a later term. Despite strong community support, MaxxChain faced challenges in growth, similar to other blockchains and projects within this space. Attracting new projects required more users, and attracting users required more projects. The team then revisited their original vision, deciding to leverage their logistics industry experience with an ultimate goal to establish a market that operates independently of chain activity, aiming to draw attention to MaxxChain from both cryptocurrency enthusiasts and those outside the crypto sphere.

Choosing the Freight Factoring Market

Their exploration into the logistics industry led the team to the freight factoring market—a sector crucial yet ripe for innovation. Nearly half of all U.S. self-employed truck drivers and the majority of for-hire trucking businesses rely on freight factoring services to provide immediate cash flow relief. Traditional methods in the freight factoring space, often burdened by high fees and rigid contracts, presented a perfect opportunity for the team to leverage MaxxChain’s blockchain technology and make a significant impact on its current processes.

Blockchain's Role in Simplifying Freight Factoring:

By employing the MaxxChain blockchain, MXC will ensure that truckers receive faster payments, avoid cumbersome contracts, and reduce administrative work, all while operating within a familiar system. This integration is especially crucial in a world often skeptical or uninformed about blockchain technology’s true potential.

The MXC Freight Factoring Process

MXC's freight factoring process will closely resemble the existing methods used by other freight factoring companies in the United States. The key distinctions are the enhanced transparency, speed, and efficiency provided by the MaxxChain blockchain.

  1. Freight Service Request: Shipping brokers initiate requests for freight services from trucking companies.

  2. Need for Immediate Cash Flow: After completing deliveries, trucking companies, facing immediate cash flow needs due to their clients' NET30 payment terms, turn to freight factoring for quicker payment solutions.

  3. Factoring Rate Assessment: Trucking companies utilize our mobile app to ascertain factoring rates, offering clear insight into the receivable amount they will get, unlike regular providers that often include hidden additional rates.

  4. Invoice Submission and Smart Contract Formulation: Following rate confirmation, the trucking company uploads the invoice via the app, sending it to MXC. While the invoice is securely processed in the Web2 environment, essential details are transferred to Web3 and transformed into a smart contract on MaxxChain.

  5. Smart Contract Invoice Listing: This smart contract invoice is then promptly listed on the MaxxChain marketplace and presented to the client, maintaining the original invoice terms.

  6. DeFi User Engagement: DeFi users evaluate and commit USDT to these contracts, which are locked until the contract is fulfilled.

  7. Direct Payment to Trucking Companies: As soon as the contract is fully backed by DeFi users, the funds are directly transferred to the trucking company for immediate operational use.

  8. Completion of Invoice Processing: The invoice amount is subsequently paid to MXC by the shipping broker or customer.

  9. Distribution of Revenue: DeFi users are reimbursed their pledged amounts, including a 2% profit share, while MXC retains the remaining profits.

Stakeholder Benefits Illustrated

While the above explains the process, the following sections will identify the advantages that Blockchain and Web3 technologies can bring to various stakeholders involved in this initiative.

For Truckers:

  • Effortless Transactions: MXC simplifies the transaction process, removing the need for complex contracts and agreements. This allows truckers to focus more on their primary business activities.

  • Quick Funding Access: Blockchain technology enables immediate access to funds, significantly enhancing truckers' cash flow and bypassing traditional, slower financial processes.

  • Transparent Operations: The transparency of blockchain guarantees secure and straightforward tracking of transactions, offering truckers clarity and control over their finances.

For DeFi Users:

  • Stable, Low-Risk Returns: By pledging against receivables through MaxxChain specialized marketplace, DeFi users will have the ability to enter a more stable market with potential annual returns of up to 26% (compounded monthly). This produces a significant opportunity amidst a crypto market that usually faces high volatility.

  • Reliable Revenue Stream: The platform consistently introduces new receivables from truckers, ensuring regular profit-sharing opportunities for DeFi users.

  • User-Friendly Profit Sharing: MXC’s intuitive platform simplifies the profit-sharing process, making it accessible to users of all experience levels.

  • Selective Receivables for Safety: MaxxChain selects receivables carefully, focusing on clients with high credit ratings to minimize the risk of bad debts.

  • Strategic Reserve Fund: MXC allocates 0.5% of all revenues to a reserve fund, acting as an internal insurance system for DeFi users, providing a near-zero risk environment. Example of Smart Contract Invoice Profit-Sharing: DeFi users could earn 2% monthly assuming a 30-day invoice payment term. This equates to over 26.8% annually when compounded monthly, 104% over three years, and 228% over five years. Assuming the above, pledging $10,000 within the marketplace and increasing the pledge by $250 while compounding monthly, the total value over a 5-year term could exceed $61,000. Coupled with our thorough vetting of customers and our reserve fund for bad debts, MXC can be positioned as one of the most secure ventures in the crypto space.

For MaxxChain:

  • Growth Reinvestment: A portion of the profits from receivables is reinvested in MaxxChain, enhancing the platform and potentially increasing PWR coin value.

  • Potential for Value Appreciation: As MaxxChain expands, the demand and value for PWR coins are expected to rise, benefiting both new and long-term holders.

For PWR Coin Holders:

  • True Reflection Coin: PWR coin is set to establish itself as a unique reflection coin, differing from previous attempts which depended on the crypto market's constant volume for reward distribution. Unlike its predecessors, PWR coin's reward system is linked to the volume within the freight industry in the United States, integral to the global supply chain. Therefore, fluctuations in the crypto market won't affect the coin's ability to generate revenue and provide steady rewards to stakers. Additionally, these rewards can be re-distributed in a specialized marketplace for extra USDT earnings through smart contract-based invoice profit sharing. This creates a sustainable ecosystem within the MaxxChain network, offering continuous rewards to all participants.

  • Profit-Sharing through Staking: PWR coin holders gain the exclusive advantage of earning through a specialized staking platform. A percentage of profits from receivables will be consistently deposited into this staking platform providing holders of PWR coin who stake their coins with a profit share of the businesses profits in USDT. ‍ Example of Profit-Sharing through Staking PWR on MaxxChain: DeFi users holding PWR coins can stake them on a specialized platform and earn USDT from a portion of freight factoring business profits. This unique model, independent of crypto market fluctuations, relies on the consistently lucrative freight industry. Staking PWR coins can yield continuous rewards, which can be further invested for additional USDT gains through smart contract invoice profit-sharing, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem under MaxxChain.

Potential Profits:

While specifics on potential profits are yet to be confirmed, an example scenario suggests that staking 100,000 PWR coins (currently valued at around $300) could potentially yield a monthly return of $50 USD, assuming 50% of PWR coin supply is staked.

Long Term Growth

MaxxChain's journey highlights its adaptability and forward-thinking approach in the blockchain sector. By implementing practical blockchain solutions in the logistics industry, it offers unique opportunities for truckers and investors. The detailed examples of potential returns for DeFi users and PWR coin holders underscore MaxxChain’s commitment to creating value and mitigating risk. As MaxxChain continues to grow, it stands as a beacon of innovation and strategic success in the blockchain and logistics industries.

Last updated